Christian ±π:
just a little bit dusty... cleaning time!!
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just hanging...
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Christian ±π:
having fun... ;-)
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hovering II
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take off
Christian ±π:
Hovering 2014-05-15
Christian ±π:
happy happy butterfly
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Christian ±π:
Honey Bee
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bug fight!!
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the monster
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Christian ±π:
I feel like dancing!! ♫♬♫♩
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searching for sweetness!
Christian ±π:
can we please get some privacy?
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Coenonympha pamphilus, Ochsenauge
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Araschnia levana (Landkärtchen)
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I can see you! Can you see me??
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Pieris brassicae
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Chrysoperla carnea
Christian ±π:
honey bee :-)
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The dance of the butterfly! (accidentally deleted...)
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multiple dots!
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Spitzflügel-Kätzcheneule · Orthosia gracilis
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Lord of the Flies ;-)
Christian ±π:
monster? Beautiful monster!
Christian ±π:
Christian ±π:
Araschnia levana (Landkärtchen)