c_ahonen: Crossing Whitewall Brook
c_ahonen: Twinway playground
c_ahonen: Alton & Georg at the Zealand spur trail
c_ahonen: Cole
c_ahonen: Mt Zealand
c_ahonen: Steve, Joe, Alton, Per & Georg on Zealand
c_ahonen: Pemi hikers
c_ahonen: 3s Company
c_ahonen: Guyot
c_ahonen: Cole on Guyot
c_ahonen: Enjoying the views on Guyot
c_ahonen: Descending Guyot
c_ahonen: Georg & Sunshine at the West Bond Spur
c_ahonen: Cole & Alton on West Bond
c_ahonen: Trailside lovin'
c_ahonen: Georg on West Bond
c_ahonen: West Bond snugs
c_ahonen: "This view is unbelievable!"
c_ahonen: Cole eyes Bondcliff
c_ahonen: Per lines up the perfect shot
c_ahonen: West Bond Summit
c_ahonen: Ascending Bondcliff
c_ahonen: Bred for mountainous terrain
c_ahonen: Ascending Bondcliff
c_ahonen: Cole explores Bondcliff
c_ahonen: Dash of color
c_ahonen: Georg on Bondcliff
c_ahonen: Per on Bondcliff
c_ahonen: Per lures Cole
c_ahonen: Alton & Cole on Bondcliff