Heather McConnaughy: accidental shot
Heather McConnaughy: catching rocks
Heather McConnaughy: My Suki Girl
Heather McConnaughy: Shawn picked me some flowers
Heather McConnaughy: He didn't want his photo taken
Heather McConnaughy: Strawberry shortcake
Heather McConnaughy: It's a good thing he doesn't mind holding things for me
Heather McConnaughy: Sunday Dinner
Heather McConnaughy: Our littlest swimmer
Heather McConnaughy: Alice was a little unsure of this whole river situation
Heather McConnaughy: Koda preferred to watch
Heather McConnaughy: Swimming in the shallows
Heather McConnaughy: I loved this cloud
Heather McConnaughy: Evening sing
Heather McConnaughy: Snezing dog
Heather McConnaughy: Sugar found her favorite place
Heather McConnaughy: Someone backed into us in the parking lot