c-nugget: How to dress for London weather: like a pirate.
c-nugget: The Tate Modern
c-nugget: Main turbine hall, Tate Modern
c-nugget: Main turbine hall, Tate Modern
c-nugget: Plato Now, by Juan Downey
c-nugget: Plato Now, by Juan Downey
c-nugget: The Tate Modern uses social media like a champ.
c-nugget: Aaron Koblin and Chris Milk: US artists in the UK
c-nugget: Lament of the Images, Alfredo Jaar
c-nugget: Lament of the Images, Alfredo Jaar
c-nugget: Lament of the Images, Alfredo Jaar
c-nugget: Lament of the Images, Alfredo Jaar
c-nugget: Really, London? Baby massage?
c-nugget: So this is what the British think of us.
c-nugget: Christina and Jeremy's kooky-fabulous house
c-nugget: The hatch: the skylight pops open to allow roof deck access
c-nugget: Glass floors
c-nugget: My London bedroom: not for those inclined to vertigo.
c-nugget: Glass floors.
c-nugget: My feet and the street.
c-nugget: A kinda-proper English breakfast at Tom's Deli.
c-nugget: Meat pies galore
c-nugget: Pluck your own!
c-nugget: My lunch at Borough Market
c-nugget: These people take Halloween very seriously.
c-nugget: A very functional dessert fork at the Russet.
c-nugget: Squinty Stan!
c-nugget: A proper Sunday roast at the Russet in Hackney