C and A on tour: big thing
C and A on tour: Turning Japanese
C and A on tour: Sunny Stockwell
C and A on tour: Purple Grain
C and A on tour: Little Orange Corvette
C and A on tour: Happy Birthday Chris
C and A on tour: Stage invasion
C and A on tour: Daft Punk
C and A on tour: Hanging around
C and A on tour: LCD Soundsystem
C and A on tour: nu rave attack
C and A on tour: light thing
C and A on tour: fat pete
C and A on tour: The arch
C and A on tour: Earth bit
C and A on tour: Natural History Museum
C and A on tour: Big tree
C and A on tour: Pangolin
C and A on tour: Baby Giraffe
C and A on tour: Butterfly