bzibble: Before
bzibble: After
bzibble: Excavating for the Foundation
bzibble: New Foundation Before Back-Fill
bzibble: Insulating the New Basement
bzibble: False Brick Stucco
bzibble: False Brick Stucco
bzibble: Before the Back-Fill
bzibble: Back-Filled Greenhouse
bzibble: First framing
bzibble: Kitchen framing
bzibble: Mudroom
bzibble: Old door
bzibble: 2nd
bzibble: Outside the greenhouse
bzibble: Inside the greenhouse
bzibble: Roof tarp
bzibble: Second floor
bzibble: Filth
bzibble: Bedroom
bzibble: Closet
bzibble: Hallway
bzibble: Exploring
bzibble: Greenhouse
bzibble: Straight on
bzibble: Lounging
bzibble: Mysterious layers
bzibble: Radiant
bzibble: Radiant
bzibble: Cool