B_Zedan: Black metal lashes: cobweb2
B_Zedan: Dessert/Desert: teaser2
B_Zedan: Black metal lashes: blood1
B_Zedan: Black metal lashes: spikesouttake1
B_Zedan: Old apartment, early summer 2008
B_Zedan: I have a definite vision of the future and it involves holograms, dammit.
B_Zedan: He's a fanitoba
B_Zedan: Flowers in his hair
B_Zedan: Our trilogy meter: The artsy shot
B_Zedan: Stitched Nail
B_Zedan: 08/19/09
B_Zedan: Hood Berry
B_Zedan: 021108
B_Zedan: 011008
B_Zedan: Shooting The Audacity Gambit draft 2 cover