B_Zedan: Work Uniform
B_Zedan: How I'd wear it
B_Zedan: New Kicks!
B_Zedan: New Earrings (also, I am growing my hair out)
B_Zedan: New Coat
B_Zedan: New frames, hair growing out
B_Zedan: New Frames!
B_Zedan: Old frames
B_Zedan: gloves1
B_Zedan: gloves2
B_Zedan: Oh snap
B_Zedan: Snuggly
B_Zedan: Tired of this
B_Zedan: hoodie2
B_Zedan: I made this, it is a jumper
B_Zedan: If you are going to wear an owl sweater
B_Zedan: I never did show y'all the vest
B_Zedan: LOVE. I have found my perfect pump