bzarefav: guys in bed...
bzarefav: i'm on the floor...
bzarefav: me laughing at something...
bzarefav: ron is weird
bzarefav: ron and his frost
bzarefav: happy ron!!
bzarefav: ron has a problem....
bzarefav: flickin josh
bzarefav: awww! cute!
bzarefav: josh and the pose
bzarefav: josh being cute
bzarefav: josh is happy
bzarefav: errrmm
bzarefav: i have no clue what i'm doing
bzarefav: again, i don't know what i'm doing
bzarefav: athena and her bottle
bzarefav: athena smile!!
bzarefav: the game is on!!!
bzarefav: the end of uno
bzarefav: travis and his caaasheeews
bzarefav: huh... i think she was drunk by then
bzarefav: strike a pose!
bzarefav: drunk
bzarefav: the mess left
bzarefav: i think this was in the morning....
bzarefav: morning after