thebyzantinelegacy: Galata Tower and the Church of San Paolo
thebyzantinelegacy: View of Galata at night
thebyzantinelegacy: Galata Tower
thebyzantinelegacy: Galata Tower
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Genoese Slab with defaced arms flanked by Genoese and De Marini arms on the Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Mural Slab with Doria, Genoese and De Merude coat of arms above Harip Gate of the Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Conquest of Constantinople in 1453 at Istanbul Military Museum
thebyzantinelegacy: Conquest of Constantinople in 1453 at Istanbul Military Museum
thebyzantinelegacy: Genoese Slab with Doria, Genoese and De Merude coat of arms above Harip Gate of the Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Columns from near Fort of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Column from near Fort of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Two towers from the Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Two towers from the Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Harip Gate with slab with arms of Doria, Genoa and De Merude
thebyzantinelegacy: Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Galata Tower
thebyzantinelegacy: Tower from the Walls of Galata
thebyzantinelegacy: Tower of the Walls of Galata