Jan_ice: Ripples
Jan_ice: Ripples
Jan_ice: Ripples
Jan_ice: Ripples
Jan_ice: Sunset power lines
Jan_ice: Sunset and power lines
Jan_ice: The dock
Jan_ice: lines
Jan_ice: River of light in motion #2
Jan_ice: Lines
Jan_ice: Shadows
Jan_ice: IMGP3366a
Jan_ice: silent forest
Jan_ice: silence
Jan_ice: Ripples
Jan_ice: sumac late day sun
Jan_ice: ripple
Jan_ice: Shadows
Jan_ice: Sundog
Jan_ice: snowfence2
Jan_ice: Morning sun under the bench
Jan_ice: Minimal snow drifts
Jan_ice: Winters light
Jan_ice: Reflecting
Jan_ice: On the road again...
Jan_ice: Long road
Jan_ice: Soft Rose
Jan_ice: Sunset and a breeze
Jan_ice: Diagonal Sky