Jan_ice: Entertainment over Paris
Jan_ice: Entertainment over Paris
Jan_ice: IMGP6703a
Jan_ice: dare devil
Jan_ice: poll act 4
Jan_ice: poll act 3
Jan_ice: poll act
Jan_ice: Lamp post act - over Paris
Jan_ice: Lamp post act - over Paris
Jan_ice: Mediterramean
Jan_ice: Light show
Jan_ice: French Kiss at the train station
Jan_ice: French kiss
Jan_ice: Mona Lisa
Jan_ice: headless-manikin
Jan_ice: opera in the shodows
Jan_ice: opera in the shodows
Jan_ice: Alain
Jan_ice: Many faces of my grandniece
Jan_ice: IMGP9877a
Jan_ice: IMGP0852ccc
Jan_ice: 17 year old Calum Graham from Calgary won SECOND PRIZE at the Canadian Guitar Festival and FIRST PLACE this year 2010 see latest photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/bytheseeingeye/sets/72157624642724306/
Jan_ice: Coming to Ottawa Feb 16th GCTC (Great Canadian Theater Company)
Jan_ice: IMGP9941a
Jan_ice: IMGP9927
Jan_ice: IMGP9842
Jan_ice: My sweetie came for a visit
Jan_ice: IMGP9897aa