Jan_ice: Robbie misses his young boy friend.
Jan_ice: Ducky
Jan_ice: Native Dancer
Jan_ice: Native design - photography and design composite
Jan_ice: Shivering grass by rivers edge - Canvas 16 x 20
Jan_ice: Photo Illustraton
Jan_ice: Photo Illustration
Jan_ice: Barn Cat
Jan_ice: Peony Abstract
Jan_ice: Peony Abstract 2
Jan_ice: Too much rain is for the birds....
Jan_ice: Global Warming
Jan_ice: Getting your ducks all in a row???
Jan_ice: Bold and Bashful
Jan_ice: Blowing and cold..
Jan_ice: Windy fence line
Jan_ice: All in a day...
Jan_ice: Country Church
Jan_ice: dirty dishes
Jan_ice: Winter Coat - go green!
Jan_ice: Happy Easter
Jan_ice: Inspiration and William Ackerman
Jan_ice: Diagonal Sky
Jan_ice: Lost... and confused
Jan_ice: Divide and conquer!
Jan_ice: Apple Blossoms
Jan_ice: Cheap wine
Jan_ice: In the shade
Jan_ice: Bull
Jan_ice: Yellow rose