tess j.: prepared as we can be
tess j.: last day
tess j.: Baby G!
tess j.: Oh the lips!!
tess j.: daddy love
tess j.: my 2 boys
tess j.: big brother crooning
tess j.: 1 whole week
tess j.: squishy face
tess j.: happyness
tess j.: baby's first bath
tess j.: froggy face
tess j.: friends for life
tess j.: mr. bright eyes
tess j.: curious
tess j.: baby g
tess j.: smallest details
tess j.: nudie
tess j.: its always naked day at houser's house
tess j.: well fed
tess j.: 4 weeks old
tess j.: 1 month old
tess j.: sweetness
tess j.: my boys
tess j.: safe
tess j.: oh how i love
tess j.: the 2 babies
tess j.: nuk
tess j.: num num
tess j.: mickey love 2