kingofthenerds: Spring Onions and Leeks
kingofthenerds: Sweet Sweet Potatoes
kingofthenerds: Crepe in Progress
kingofthenerds: Eggy Goodness
kingofthenerds: Fresh, local, organic, yummy
kingofthenerds: Sweet Cherries - w00t!
kingofthenerds: Baby Beets and Carrots
kingofthenerds: Green Onions - Everdale
kingofthenerds: @ChefJKennedy flips
kingofthenerds: Heirloom Tomatoes
kingofthenerds: New Potatoes
kingofthenerds: I think I'm Going to Cry
kingofthenerds: Shh, I'm Hunting Wabbits
kingofthenerds: Uh Oh, Blight
kingofthenerds: Real Eggs!! SCORE