kingofthenerds: Hey you, keep the peanuts coming
kingofthenerds: DSCF0371
kingofthenerds: Yearling deer in the dappled light
kingofthenerds: DSCF0308
kingofthenerds: Cottage Critter
kingofthenerds: Critters 004
kingofthenerds: Critters 003
kingofthenerds: Heron on the shore
kingofthenerds: Heronruffle2
kingofthenerds: Heronruffle1
kingofthenerds: Heronstand1
kingofthenerds: Chipmunk on a Log
kingofthenerds: Chipmunk on a Rock
kingofthenerds: Blue Jay
kingofthenerds: Chippy is Back
kingofthenerds: Peanuts? Yeah! Peanuts!!!
kingofthenerds: Forked Tongue
kingofthenerds: Snake in the Grass
kingofthenerds: Chippy the IIIrd
kingofthenerds: Red Squirrel
kingofthenerds: What am I supposed to do with this?
kingofthenerds: Shoreline Visitors
kingofthenerds: Strolling
kingofthenerds: Family Time
kingofthenerds: All Glory to the Hypnotoad
kingofthenerds: Dragonfly