bytefulcom: 1960s Honeywell Kitchen Computer Advertisement
bytefulcom: Apple Newton
bytefulcom: Apple-1 circuit board mounted to wood
bytefulcom: Babbage Difference Engine gears
bytefulcom: Babbage Difference Engine rows of mechanisms
bytefulcom: BASIC-8 Programming Manual
bytefulcom: Charles Babbage Difference Engine #2
bytefulcom: Computer History Museum sign
bytefulcom: Cray-1 red cables in power supply
bytefulcom: Cray-1A supercomputer (SN 6)
bytefulcom: Cray-1A supercomputer & Plaque
bytefulcom: Cray-2 supercomputer (towering in black & red)
bytefulcom: Cray-3 Brick
bytefulcom: Dozen of Early Personal Computers
bytefulcom: Dozen of Wooden Slide Rules
bytefulcom: Early ARPANET Map 1978 (A Young Internet)
bytefulcom: Fairchild LSI Bipolar Memory
bytefulcom: First Google Production Server
bytefulcom: Hero Jr robot by Healthkit
bytefulcom: Hundreds of thin blue wires in Cray-2
bytefulcom: ILLIAC IV computer
bytefulcom: NEAC 2203 Computer
bytefulcom: Omnibot 2000 toy robot
bytefulcom: PDP-8 computer by DEC
bytefulcom: Philco 212 computer
bytefulcom: Philco 212 processing banks
bytefulcom: Rainbow of CDC 6600 wires (SN 1)
bytefulcom: The 1st Macintosh nestled between early PCs
bytefulcom: The Apple-1 computer behind glass
bytefulcom: The Honeywell Kitchen Computer