bytefulcom: 3 Types of Ceratopsians
bytefulcom: Apatosauros mouth & neck
bytefulcom: Apatosaurus Towers Above (aka Brontosaurus)
bytefulcom: Archaeopteryx by Hayward
bytefulcom: Belemnite & Ammonoid Mollusks
bytefulcom: Big Dromaeosaur & Small Dromaeosaur
bytefulcom: Carboniferous Forest with Trilobite
bytefulcom: Continents at the Carboniferous Period
bytefulcom: Continents at the Paleocene Epoch
bytefulcom: Continents at the Permian Period
bytefulcom: Continents at the Pleistocene Epoch
bytefulcom: Continents at the Silurian Period
bytefulcom: Continents at the Triassic Period
bytefulcom: Dromaeosaur skull & claw closeup
bytefulcom: Early Horse & Early Rhinoceros skeletons
bytefulcom: Early Horse skull & Glyptodon
bytefulcom: Edaphosaurus fossil
bytefulcom: Enterting Precambrian exhibit
bytefulcom: Entrance to Evolving Planet exhibit
bytefulcom: Fossilized Leaves from Cretaceous Period
bytefulcom: Geologic Boundary between Cretaceous & Tertiary periods
bytefulcom: Giant Ground Sloth skeleton
bytefulcom: Hadrosaur head sculpture
bytefulcom: Hadrosaur skeleton from the side
bytefulcom: Hadrosaur skeleton
bytefulcom: Huge Apatosaurus footprint
bytefulcom: Illuminated Images of Life on Earth
bytefulcom: Mass Extinction #1
bytefulcom: Mass Extinction #2
bytefulcom: Mass Extinction #3