bytefulcom: Big Sur River eating away at the Beach
bytefulcom: Black Hawk darting above Big Sur River
bytefulcom: Blue Sky reflecting in Calm Stream like a mirror
bytefulcom: Crude wooden hut before Big Sur coastline
bytefulcom: Crude wooden hut on the beach
bytefulcom: Crystal clear Big Sur River
bytefulcom: Dark Red Seaweed under Big Sur River
bytefulcom: Deer near Molera Park trail
bytefulcom: Dozens of Seagulls feeding on the beach
bytefulcom: Dried up remains of a Pelican on the beach
bytefulcom: Entrance to a sea cave
bytefulcom: Frothy waves on Moss-covered Rocks
bytefulcom: Pebbles & Sand on Molera Park beach
bytefulcom: Possibly Post Summit over Big Sur River
bytefulcom: Psychedelic Sunset on Big Sur coast
bytefulcom: Reflections off of Big Sur River
bytefulcom: Sun reflecting off the incoming tide
bytefulcom: View of sand & Pacific from inside wooden hut
bytefulcom: Wavy Erosion Patterns in the Sand (closeup)
bytefulcom: Wavy Erosion Patterns in the Sand
bytefulcom: White water of Big Sur river