interestedbystandr: day-2-git-5
interestedbystandr: day-2-git-4
interestedbystandr: day-2-git-3
interestedbystandr: day-2-git-2
interestedbystandr: day-2-git-1
interestedbystandr: conradrleonard-1
interestedbystandr: attendees-3
interestedbystandr: attendees-2
interestedbystandr: attendees-1
interestedbystandr: roisin-2
interestedbystandr: roisin-1
interestedbystandr: Class Photo
interestedbystandr: Software Carpentry Instructor Training
interestedbystandr: Software Carpentry Instructor Training
interestedbystandr: Software Carpentry Instructor Training
interestedbystandr: Talking stick at Software Carpentry Instructor Training
interestedbystandr: Concept map drawing
interestedbystandr: Concept map drawing
interestedbystandr: Concept map drawing
interestedbystandr: Plotting a task that you did in the last week on axes of usefulness vs time to learn