komplexb: Image00001
komplexb: Image00002
komplexb: Image00003
komplexb: DSCF3714
komplexb: DSCF4685_flickr
komplexb: blue skies
komplexb: dead flowers bring no one joy
komplexb: waiting
komplexb: cute shoes
komplexb: buttons
komplexb: DSCF7242_flickr
komplexb: park benches
komplexb: dedicate dedicate
komplexb: DSCF7315_flickr
komplexb: everybody seated
komplexb: feeling blue?
komplexb: dead flowers bring no one joy
komplexb: dead flowers bring no one joy
komplexb: dead flowers bring no one joy
komplexb: dead flowers bring no one joy
komplexb: dead flowers bring no one joy
komplexb: dead flowers bring no one joy
komplexb: light
komplexb: the last one home turns out the light
komplexb: the late (great?) phonebooth
komplexb: Heineken on the Rocks?
komplexb: keep walking
komplexb: maybe these made someone's dinner, maybe these kept somebody warm
komplexb: baby cactus growing out of a column
komplexb: a field of flags