Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: 1975 Chrysler VK Valiant Charger Coupe
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: **RARE** 1961 Cadillac Fleetwood Series 75 Sedan
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: 1932 Ford Model 18 Pickup / Utility
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: 1972 Mazda RX2 sedan - aka Mazda Capella and Mazda 616 in other parts of the word
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: 1969 Volkswagen Type 3 Station Wagon
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: 1970 Holden HT Series sedan
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: 1978 Toyota Corolla KE30 - modified / customed
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: 1964 Volkswagen Beetle sedan