LillianB: The wild Spencer, relaxing in the veld.... #mycat
LillianB: Ripley's catbef? Spencer begs to differ! #mycat
LillianB: Of COURSE I fit! #mycat
LillianB: Spencer: 'sup? #mycat
LillianB: Spencer pics
LillianB: Spencer pics
LillianB: Spencer pics
LillianB: Spencer on the couch
LillianB: One of the favorite pastimes...
LillianB: Obligatory glowing-eyes shot.
LillianB: You haz a string?
LillianB: You sure you don't haz a string?
LillianB: You haz a string!
LillianB: Pretty much their whole relationship in one picture. #mycat #ripley #spencer
LillianB: Spencer looking innocent. As if. #mycat
LillianB: Spencer keeping my legs warm. #caturday
LillianB: What are YOU lookin at?
LillianB: Spencer being photogenic. #caturday #spencer
LillianB: Belated Caturday post. A Spencer at Rest. Dreaming of future mayhem, no doubt. #caturday
LillianB: Why are you petting the other cat when I'm right here? #caturday #spencer #mycat
LillianB: Spencer has excellent taste in reading material. #seananmcguire #spencer #redrosechain
LillianB: "If I ignore that other cat, maybe I can pretend that I have the bed to myself." #spencer #ripley #mycat #caturday
LillianB: Maybe this is why my other cat thinks I replaced Spencer with an alien pod cat. #mycat #spencer #caturday
LillianB: Feeding the cat BBQ sauce, as you do... #mycat #thanksgiving
LillianB: Huh. I guess that's why the oxalis isn't growing in half of the pot. #cats
LillianB: Portrait of a cat, sleeping. #mycat
LillianB: The face of a cat who wants my chicken. #mycat #caturday
LillianB: Sorry Ricky Gervais, my cat isn't into award shows. #goldenglobes #mycat #rickygervais
LillianB: Spencer, surveying his domain. #mycat #cats