cleverbj: Bryan Dunn in the Studio...continued...
cleverbj: BRYAN DUNN in the studio
cleverbj: Emily
cleverbj: Jeremy
cleverbj: Drew
cleverbj: David with the talk-back button
cleverbj: Was that a good take?
cleverbj: Hanging in the control room
cleverbj: Bryan and David
cleverbj: Engineer, Dan Hetzel, making some notes
cleverbj: Drew on drums
cleverbj: TRI58F8
cleverbj: Lara joining in the fun
cleverbj: TRI73E1
cleverbj: a jazzy sound check from Drew, Jim and Andy
cleverbj: Jim on the stand up.
cleverbj: Andy laid down some really beautiful piano pieces
cleverbj: Multi-talented!
cleverbj: You're never too cool to learn
cleverbj: TRICA28
cleverbj: Long studio nights often lead to bizzare behavior...
cleverbj: Jim, Bryan, Dan and Emily
cleverbj: David, Bryan & BJ
cleverbj: I didn't even know he could play piano!
cleverbj: TRIFDD4
cleverbj: David and Dan listening to playback
cleverbj: TRIC9D3