cleverbj: Who are these hot Australian guys??
cleverbj: who have taken NY by storm?PACKED into the Rockwood
cleverbj: Brothers
cleverbj: with angelic voices
cleverbj: and angelic faces.....
cleverbj: Isaac and Thorry Koren
cleverbj: collectively know as: THE KIN
cleverbj: Thor
cleverbj: Thor with guest flautest, Serge
cleverbj: Just beautiful
cleverbj: Wes tuning, while Pete hams it up
cleverbj: The Rockwood was over flowing with good lookin' fellas last night
cleverbj: TRI21E
cleverbj: joined by the talented Casey Shea on harmonica and backing vocals
cleverbj: TRI65E2
cleverbj: Ahhh, harmony
cleverbj: He had me at hello
cleverbj: "Take it Casey..."