Sabrina~Rose: Golden and Green...
Sabrina~Rose: Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness. - Ray Lyman Wilbur
Sabrina~Rose: Singing in the rain...:*)
Sabrina~Rose: Rainy days and Sundays...
Sabrina~Rose: Happiness... in your face!
Sabrina~Rose: Island Girl
Sabrina~Rose: Aqua Island girl :*)
Sabrina~Rose: Copycat
Sabrina~Rose: Bella bird humming...
Sabrina~Rose: Lonely bella...
Sabrina~Rose: Where's my teeth?
Sabrina~Rose: Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light...Helen Keller
Sabrina~Rose: lazy daisy summer days...where did you go?
Sabrina~Rose: Love never fails; Character never quits; and with patience and persistence; Dreams do come true...Pete Maravich
Sabrina~Rose: A walk in the dark with a friend...
Sabrina~Rose: Where there is love there is no darkness. Burundi Proverb
Sabrina~Rose: The Rose...
Sabrina~Rose: “A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around” ~ Carolyn Birmingham
Sabrina~Rose: I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens
Sabrina~Rose: Hate leaves ugly scars, love leaves beautiful ones. ~Mignon McLaughlin
Sabrina~Rose: The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination. ~Ward Elliot Hour
Sabrina~Rose: The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.
Sabrina~Rose: Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. ~Victor Hugo
Sabrina~Rose: Real elation is when you feel you could touch a star without standing on tiptoe. ~Doug Larson
Sabrina~Rose: Wings of love...
Sabrina~Rose: I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. ~Author Unknown
Sabrina~Rose: Stay with me...
Sabrina~Rose: Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world...
Sabrina~Rose: Music rots when it gets too far from the dance. Poetry atrophies when it gets too far from music. ~Ezra Pound