photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa with Ultron
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa with Ultron
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa with Ultron, top view
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa, meter mirrored in finder
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa, meter visible in finder
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa, finder front view
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa, semisilvered finder
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa, back and bottom opened
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa with Ultron, bottom opened
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa with Ultron, bottom view
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa with Ultron, with original hood
photo_snaiper: Voigtländer Vitomatic IIa with Ultron, with vented hood