algaedoc: Hooded Merganser with GBH in the background
algaedoc: Great Blue Heron
algaedoc: female Ruby-crowned Kinglet
algaedoc: Nutria
algaedoc: Green Heron with frog for lunch
algaedoc: Green Heron with lunch
algaedoc: Hooded Merganser
algaedoc: Great Egret... looking great.
algaedoc: GBH
algaedoc: Yes... I finally got a picture of a Wilson's Snipe!
algaedoc: Yes... I finally got a decent picture of a Wilson's Snipe!
algaedoc: Yes... I finally got a decent picture of a Wilson's Snipe!
algaedoc: Great Blue Heron saying "see ya".
algaedoc: Northern Shoveler looking resplendent