algaedoc: Wall net deployed under water
algaedoc: Lift net and hand nets used for collecting fish for research
algaedoc: Tagging Scarus iserti with subcutaneous injections of Alcian Blue
algaedoc: Uniquely tagged Scarus iserti
algaedoc: Arrays of unglazed ceramic tile for assessing epilithic algal cover
algaedoc: Covered and uncovered tiles reveal rates of algal renewal
algaedoc: uncovered tiles
algaedoc: Scarus iserti grazing on array of unglazed ceramic tiles
algaedoc: Scarus iserti grazing on array of unglazed ceramic tiles
algaedoc: Scraping tiles to assess algal density
algaedoc: Video w field collection
algaedoc: Slate for recording observations
algaedoc: Transect tape tangle
algaedoc: Quadrat on reef
algaedoc: Quadrat survey
algaedoc: Quadrat survey
algaedoc: Quadrat survey
algaedoc: Lisa collecting data with slate
algaedoc: The Goby Hunter
algaedoc: Goby hunting
algaedoc: Goby hunting
algaedoc: Clipperton Manta