Chris G Images:
Sunset across the Bani River at Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Pinasses, women & children at Korioume, on the River Niger, Mali
Chris G Images:
Women at the Waterside, Koriume, Mali
Chris G Images:
Ferry waiting to cross the River Niger at Korioume, just south of Timbuktu, Mali
Chris G Images:
Ferry from Korioume approaching Kabara, Mali
Chris G Images:
Ferry crossing the River Niger from Korioume to Kabara, Mali
Chris G Images:
Pinasse arriving at the port of Kabara, on the River Niger, Mali
Chris G Images:
Drying clothes on bank of River Niger Gao, Mali
Chris G Images:
Man watching his cattle drinking in River Niger, Ansongo, Mali
Chris G Images:
Cattle drinking in River Niger, Ansongo, Mali
Chris G Images:
Three young women carrying washing to the water, Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Man and Motorbike on bank of River Niger, near Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Rooftops of Kotaka with River Niger beyond, Mali
Chris G Images:
Fishing from a pinasse in the River Niger north of Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Barrage Across the River Niger at Markala, Mali
Chris G Images:
Boys with goats, Markala Barrage over the River Niger, Mali
Chris G Images:
Fisherman on the Barrage at Markala, Mali
Chris G Images:
Pirogues in the Port of Mopti on the Bani River, Mali
Chris G Images:
The Port of Mopti on the Bani River at Sunset, Mali
Chris G Images:
Fish Drying on Bank of the Bani River, Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Port of Mopti at Sunset, on the Bani River, Mali
Chris G Images:
Girl selling Carrots at Sunset, Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Man at Sunset by the Bani River, Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Pinasse & Pirogue on the River Niger north of Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Village with Mosque on River Niger, north of Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Man drying his laundry on bank of the River Niger north of Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Two Sailing Boats on the River Niger north of Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Washing-up on the north Bank of the River Niger, north of Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Using the River Niger for Washing, Laundry and Washing-up, north of Mopti, Mali
Chris G Images:
Arriving at a remote village, River Niger, Mali