BXGD: "We are the humans..."
BXGD: "No contract, no peace!"
BXGD: An anti-vaccine sign at the Occupy Orlando rally
BXGD: An interesting group of signs at the Occupy Orlando rally
BXGD: "Don't use ionizing body scanners X-rays"
BXGD: "9-11 was an inside job"
BXGD: "Opting out of naked body scanners X-rays"
BXGD: "Liberty or Death"
BXGD: "Do you has what it takes to join the homestarmy? #occupystrongbadia"
BXGD: Signs from the Occupy Orlando rally.
BXGD: "Casualities are not casual to the victims"
BXGD: Anti-Bank of America sign
BXGD: A sign from the Occupy Orlando rally.
BXGD: Something in Spanish
BXGD: "We will be heard"
BXGD: Flag cape!
BXGD: "It's one for all NOT all for one."
BXGD: The Occupy Orlando Media Center.
BXGD: A sign from the Occupy Orlando rally.
BXGD: Guy selling occupy pins at the Occupy Orlando rally
BXGD: Teach-In Schedule
BXGD: Events of the week
BXGD: "Attention Orlando Police Department"
BXGD: The free library
BXGD: Books in the Occupy Orlando Library.
BXGD: Books in the Occupy Orlando Free Library
BXGD: Sidewalk trash at the Occupy Orlando rally
BXGD: "People Before Profit"
BXGD: The 1% are redistributionists