BXGD: Another man in a mask
BXGD: Intifada
BXGD: A poor college student
BXGD: Man in a mask
BXGD: Military assassin?
BXGD: "There's gonna be a Revolution"
BXGD: Organizer
BXGD: Question time
BXGD: Corporate Greed
BXGD: The legal representative
BXGD: Talking
BXGD: Photographer
BXGD: Sitting on a bench
BXGD: Talking to a passerby
BXGD: Info about Occupy Tampa events
BXGD: ABC action news van
BXGD: City of Tampa Television van
BXGD: WTSP TC news van
BXGD: Early morning
BXGD: "Sidewalk formation is three across"
BXGD: Tampa Police
BXGD: "We refuse to sell stuff..."
BXGD: A young man
BXGD: A conversation
BXGD: A reporter
BXGD: Puerto Rico
BXGD: Hipster
BXGD: "Jail The Bankster Fraudsters"
BXGD: The sign factory
BXGD: "Enough me me me"