BXGD: A trio of masks
BXGD: Occupy Tampa at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park
BXGD: Fetal position
BXGD: Sleeping
BXGD: Waking up
BXGD: Tour of Occupy Tampa around noon
BXGD: "Drum circle"
BXGD: Explaining the Laffer Curve
BXGD: Guy with Che Guevara flag gets feedback
BXGD: "We will never touch anyone"
BXGD: A facilitator doing her job.
BXGD: Man with Che flag
BXGD: Hole filled with signs
BXGD: Sittin'
BXGD: An information desk
BXGD: The government should be afraid of their people
BXGD: "We are the 99%"
BXGD: A Teamsters Union sign
BXGD: Anonymous sign
BXGD: Signs! signs! signs!
BXGD: Anti Exxon-Mobil sign
BXGD: Anti-Zombie sign
BXGD: "This is people in action"
BXGD: A riff on the pledge of allegiance
BXGD: Anti-Capital One sign
BXGD: "Violence breeds violence lets breed peace"
BXGD: Occupy Tampa activities
BXGD: "When the people lead, the leaders will follow"
BXGD: "I love humanity"