BXGD: Lizard on sign
BXGD: Limbs against the dawn
BXGD: Raccoon!
BXGD: Misty morning
BXGD: Spider webs
BXGD: The trail (flooded)
BXGD: Fields of light
BXGD: The sun is rising
BXGD: Milkweed
BXGD: Fields
BXGD: Seed head
BXGD: Vibrant green
BXGD: Skull
BXGD: Yellow
BXGD: White
BXGD: The sun
BXGD: No horseback riding
BXGD: Dew covered blueberries
BXGD: In a burnt out area
BXGD: The pines
BXGD: A mist still hangs in the air
BXGD: P1020417
BXGD: Toad
BXGD: In the sand
BXGD: Devestation
BXGD: A devestated field.
BXGD: Oak trees
BXGD: Oppression
BXGD: Mound