Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach monestary, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach Monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach Monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach Monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach Monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach Monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach Monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Ruin of Heisterbach Monastery, near Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Versteckt... * Hidden...
Britta's world of photos: Kloster Heisterbach
Britta's world of photos: Kloster Heisterbach
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Britta's world of photos: Chorruine Heisterbach
Britta's world of photos: Die Säulen der Erde
Britta's world of photos: Auf der Suche nach dem Himmel
Britta's world of photos: Deine Wahl - Winter oder Frühling?
Britta's world of photos: Ganz, ganz klein
Britta's world of photos: Säulenkapitelle
Britta's world of photos: Maybe her name is Rose...
Britta's world of photos: Another visit to the ruin of the Heisterbach Abbey
Britta's world of photos: Summer in Heisterbach Abbey
Britta's world of photos: Black and white Walls
Britta's world of photos: Heisterbach Abbey Sunshine