Britta's world of photos: Wenn man vorhat...
Britta's world of photos: ... und Asiatische Nudelpfanne...
Britta's world of photos: In der Düsseldorfer Altstadt
Britta's world of photos: Düsseldorfer Rathaus
Britta's world of photos: Düsseldorfer Rathaus
Britta's world of photos: Das sieht aber gar nicht gut aus!
Britta's world of photos: Japan-Tag in Düsseldorf
Britta's world of photos: Japan-Tag in Düsseldorf
Britta's world of photos: Zum Abschluß gab es noch ein Eis
Britta's world of photos: Clube Português
Britta's world of photos: The menu on a Black Board
Britta's world of photos: Starters (Tapas)
Britta's world of photos: Clube Português
Britta's world of photos: Clube Português
Britta's world of photos: Cave Portuguêsa
Britta's world of photos: Media Habour, Düsseldorf
Britta's world of photos: Media Harbour, Düsseldorf
Britta's world of photos: Innovative Architecture
Britta's world of photos: Media Harbour, Düsseldorf
Britta's world of photos: Old Stuctures of the Habour
Britta's world of photos: Gehry Building
Britta's world of photos: Gehry Buildings
Britta's world of photos: Mixture of historic and modern Buildings