Britta's world of photos: Reflected Liquorice
Britta's world of photos: Beauty in Death
Britta's world of photos: Anticipation - Vorfreude
Britta's world of photos: Unwrapping it!
Britta's world of photos: Fresh Fruit - Mango & Pineapple
Britta's world of photos: Leaves and blossoms
Britta's world of photos: In medias violae
Britta's world of photos: Natural Beauty
Britta's world of photos: A new amaryllis in our living room
Britta's world of photos: At work... ;-)
Britta's world of photos: Progress without flashlight
Britta's world of photos: Progress with flashlight
Britta's world of photos: Seeing through a lemon
Britta's world of photos: The inner life of an orange
Britta's world of photos: Tulip head - side view
Britta's world of photos: Stretching for the light above
Britta's world of photos: Through a microscope?
Britta's world of photos: At home in my kitchen
Britta's world of photos: A bowl full of vitamines
Britta's world of photos: Pleiades Star Cluster
Britta's world of photos: Taurus - Stier