Britta's world of photos: Bardo Museum I - Mosaics
Britta's world of photos: Dolphins doing some water ballet
Britta's world of photos: In the "garden" of Schönbrunn Palace
Britta's world of photos: London - Big Ben and Houses of Parliament
Britta's world of photos: Alle Wege führen nach Rom
Britta's world of photos: Mallorca - Playa de Palma
Britta's world of photos: Mallorca - Playa de Palma
Britta's world of photos: Windmill sails
Britta's world of photos: Botanical Garden Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Botanical Garden Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Yesterday Evening
Britta's world of photos: Landesgartenschau/State Garden Show, Leverkusen
Britta's world of photos: Cologne Zoo - Kölner Zoo
Britta's world of photos: Reflecting Symmetry
Britta's world of photos: Tag der Offenen Gartenpforte 2005
Britta's world of photos: Botanical Garden Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Botanical Garden Bonn
Britta's world of photos: Soest - Freiligrath-Haus
Britta's world of photos: Running from the train!
Britta's world of photos: Dubrovnik - The cloister of the Franciscan Monastery
Britta's world of photos: Dubrovnik - The old town harbour