betty wiley: white iris after rain
betty wiley: Nantucket basket still life
betty wiley: Roadside weeds
betty wiley: face off
betty wiley: Banfi wine estate in Tuscany
betty wiley: apple blossom
betty wiley: late afternoon at Salt pond marsh
betty wiley: sunflowers
betty wiley: sunflower w texture
betty wiley: rooster
betty wiley: little girl with flowers
betty wiley: Tufted titmouse
betty wiley: vermont field in autumn
betty wiley: Sun breakin through the clouds
betty wiley: peppers at pikes orton effect
betty wiley: birds at sunset at Paines creek
betty wiley: pears in light and shadow
betty wiley: Fishing boats in Charleston harbor
betty wiley: chickadee w texture
betty wiley: shy cardinal
betty wiley: Vineyard in the fall
betty wiley: California oak tree
betty wiley: Female cardinal - Finally!
betty wiley: nautilus shell in clouds
betty wiley: sunrise with texture overlay
betty wiley: grandmother's desk
betty wiley: little ballerina
betty wiley: Little ballerina
betty wiley: Sparrow
betty wiley: sanderling bathing copy