betty wiley: surfers at Morro bay
betty wiley: beach waves
betty wiley: weathered vines
betty wiley: morro bay fog
betty wiley: George's Rock
betty wiley: trinidad beach
betty wiley: boat yard
betty wiley: sailboats in morro bay
betty wiley: white pelicans
betty wiley: otters playing in the kelp bed
betty wiley: cambria ranch in approaching fog
betty wiley: lone seal
betty wiley: abandoned shed
betty wiley: Pelican rock
betty wiley: No, this isn't Massachusetts
betty wiley: Paso Robles vineyard
betty wiley: Vineyard in the fall
betty wiley: California oak tree
betty wiley: long billed curlew
betty wiley: Pelican
betty wiley: poppy profusion
betty wiley: egret fishing
betty wiley: ray of sunshine among purple
betty wiley: morro bay at twilight with moon
betty wiley: poppy and water drop refraction
betty wiley: Orange beauty
betty wiley: California sunset
betty wiley: California Dreamin'
betty wiley: _H1H5520-Edit.jpg