bwellsea: nectar forager
bwellsea: spring arrival
bwellsea: the handball series
bwellsea: late afternoon commute, 4:25 PM
bwellsea: 5:05 sun (glimpse)
bwellsea: montage
bwellsea: slough
bwellsea: school bus morning
bwellsea: Broadway morning
bwellsea: Broadway morning
bwellsea: Broadway morning
bwellsea: forensics
bwellsea: late winter, morning sun glimpse
bwellsea: lakeshore rain and light
bwellsea: sneak preview
bwellsea: late winter light
bwellsea: a quiet walk
bwellsea: two juvenile bald eagles this morning
bwellsea: rare bird
bwellsea: foggy night
bwellsea: Downy woodpecker (detail)
bwellsea: birdbeak
bwellsea: winter light