bweisner: There Was a Time When You Would Have Never Questioned the Fidelity of Friendship
bweisner: Some Things Around You Change. Some Things Inside You Change.
bweisner: I Felt Like This Is Something That I Should Share With You
bweisner: We May Be Separated By Oceans and Land. We Are Bound Together By More than Earthly Items.
bweisner: I Will Make One Promise To You Now. I Am Not Sure If I Can Keep It.
bweisner: This Life Does Not Have To Be Merely About the Pursuit of Material Goods.
bweisner: Is This How You Do Things?
bweisner: This Is a Great Time To Meet New People, When We Are Dressed Up So Nice
bweisner: The Same Sun Will Set on the Same Building Day after Day after Day
bweisner: It Is Not Enough To Have a Kind Heart. One Must Possess Vision and Tenacity to Succeed in This World
bweisner: Promises Are Easy To Make When Little Care Is Given to Fulfillment
bweisner: The Place I've Never Left No Matter How Far a Jet May Take Me
bweisner: There Is No Need For You To Grind Your Axe Against the World
bweisner: Does It Look Like I Require Your Validation
bweisner: You Can Forget Where Your Roots Take Soil. The Earth Will Bind You to the Ground.
bweisner: I Can Say That I No Longer Care About You, but the Truth Is That I Can't Stand To Share the Same Space As You
bweisner: What Constitutes the Feel of Home. What Causes You To Stop Wandering
bweisner: All This Talk Take Me From Here To Nowhere
bweisner: All Things Become Crystal Clear only For a Moment
bweisner: The Way You Do, The Way You Are, It Excites Me To No End
bweisner: You Bring Me Back To a Place That I Feel Comfortable With
bweisner: You Still Get Stuck Inside My Head and Thoughts
bweisner: There Is No Point Worrying About This Place
bweisner: I Could See All Perspectives. I just Choose Not To
bweisner: You Were Always a Place of Comfort from the Slings of the World
bweisner: This Is How You Look in the Eyes of the World
bweisner: I Never Thought It Was Strange That I Never Tried to Contact You
bweisner: This Is the Time For Silent Contemplation of Your Past Deeds and Experiences
bweisner: It's the Same Town, It's the Same Feeling