bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 9 leech field
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 8
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no.7
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 6 Well Shed
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 5 Well shed
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 4 Chris
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 3
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 2 through the oak
bwaters23: Annular eclipse no. 1
bwaters23: Passion Flower
bwaters23: Outside the studio
bwaters23: Dusk in Petaluma
bwaters23: Sunflowers from Levin (thanks!)
bwaters23: Progressive chicken
bwaters23: Progressive buffet
bwaters23: Progressive scooter rider
bwaters23: Project Censored booth
bwaters23: Susan, Mike and Clay
bwaters23: Chris, Katie and Clay
bwaters23: Great t-shirt
bwaters23: Mike Smith expounding
bwaters23: "Honk 4 Peace" Pete
bwaters23: raw conversion test 2
bwaters23: I got new glasses yesterday... with help, thanks Melissa.
bwaters23: Table condiments
bwaters23: Chinese restuarant interior
bwaters23: Buddha at Mahakaruna Center, Petaluma, CA
bwaters23: DSCF1522.jpg
bwaters23: S0011549.jpg
bwaters23: DSCF1591.jpg