<bovi>: Inside double decker
<bovi>: All rich person from China invest here.
<bovi>: L1000093.jpg
<bovi>: L1000064.jpg
<bovi>: L1000002.jpg
<bovi>: L1000029.jpg
<bovi>: L1000030.jpg
<bovi>: L1000031.jpg
<bovi>: 東部華僑城
<bovi>: L1000042.jpg
<bovi>: 東部華僑城
<bovi>: Shoot by Leica M9, 75mm Summarit
<bovi>: Shoot by Leica M9, 75mm Summarit
<bovi>: Shoot by Leica M9, 35mm summicron 7 elements
<bovi>: Tai Po
<bovi>: Shoot by Leica M9, 75mm Summarit
<bovi>: dawn at victoria harbour
<bovi>: shot by zm 35mm 2.8
<bovi>: L1000554.jpg
<bovi>: snap, snap, snap
<bovi>: work hard to sell the paper box and soaking water on the surface to increase weight and hopefully to earm more
<bovi>: L1000585.jpg
<bovi>: Star Ferry, fishing
<bovi>: Tsim Sha Tsui
<bovi>: bamboo
<bovi>: bicycle lane, the under the flyover, and behind is the river
<bovi>: the bokeh
<bovi>: antique fans inside cafe'
<bovi>: green umbrella at pacific coffee
<bovi>: at pacific coffee