pattern~scissors~cloth: auckland harbour
pattern~scissors~cloth: boathouse at sentinal beach
pattern~scissors~cloth: balancing act
pattern~scissors~cloth: view from birkenhead wharf
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~south piha beach~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~brake light bokeh~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~day of the truckies~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~spiral staircase~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~ponsonby road~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~day out with dad~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~riding the waves~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~take only photos, leave only footprints~
pattern~scissors~cloth: through the grapevine
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~electric sunrise~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~the moon and the stars~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~windsurfing world champs~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~way down upon the swany river~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~house of jazz~
pattern~scissors~cloth: ~bike at rest~
pattern~scissors~cloth: Goody Goody Gum DROPS!!