爛椅子: 中華民國101年元旦 the Republic of China (Taiwan) 101th New year
爛椅子: 中華民國101年元旦 the Republic of China (Taiwan) 101th New year
爛椅子: 中華民國101年元旦 the Republic of China (Taiwan) 101th New year
爛椅子: 中華民國101年元旦 the Republic of China (Taiwan) 101th New year
爛椅子: IMG_8951
爛椅子: IMG_8932
爛椅子: IMG_8622
爛椅子: IMG_8588
爛椅子: IMG_8604
爛椅子: IMG_8524
爛椅子: IMG_8517
爛椅子: IMG_8439
爛椅子: IMG_8426
爛椅子: 老白
爛椅子: IMG_7909
爛椅子: IMG_7899
爛椅子: IMG_7866
爛椅子: 玉皇大帝的城堡(Jade Emperor's Castle)#01
爛椅子: IMG_7334
爛椅子: Braised foods
爛椅子: Asia Series 2011
爛椅子: Asia Series 2011
爛椅子: Asia Series 2011
爛椅子: 玉皇大帝的城堡(Jade Emperor's Castle)#02
爛椅子: 玉皇大帝的城堡(Jade Emperor's Castle)#03
爛椅子: Bring the dish with proud face
爛椅子: Cousin's wedding
爛椅子: Cousin's wedding
爛椅子: "Ai Weiwei Absent"
爛椅子: "Ai Weiwei Absent"