AndreasPizsa: Sonnenblumenkind
AndreasPizsa: Me & Walter in the 80's
AndreasPizsa: Me on the Empire State Building, 1995
AndreasPizsa: another me
AndreasPizsa: Another me, another WebCam view
AndreasPizsa: Me, WebCam view
AndreasPizsa: Austin & Bond
AndreasPizsa: Yet another me, WebCam view
AndreasPizsa: IMG_1201
AndreasPizsa: IMG_1212
AndreasPizsa: at home
AndreasPizsa: at a pier, Seattle
AndreasPizsa: at a pier, Seattle
AndreasPizsa: IMG_1905
AndreasPizsa: at the office
AndreasPizsa: andreas am graben
AndreasPizsa: bought a new suit :)
AndreasPizsa: Aaaah!
AndreasPizsa: Foto 68
AndreasPizsa: Aristo Brother
AndreasPizsa: Alien Brother
AndreasPizsa: Foto 64_1
AndreasPizsa: These are *real* :)
AndreasPizsa: Foto 52
AndreasPizsa: Foto 53
AndreasPizsa: Foto 54
AndreasPizsa: Alma, her new PowerBook & me
AndreasPizsa: Threesome
AndreasPizsa: Random documentation of time