Butterfly Psyche: Fiery skipper in Prismacolor - new upload
Butterfly Psyche: Pretty in, and on, pink (Coleomegilla maculata) (SH 49)
Butterfly Psyche: Tobiko sashimi (SH 10)
Butterfly Psyche: Wood, metal, water (2) (SH 68)
Butterfly Psyche: Wood, metal, water (1)
Butterfly Psyche: Pause to reflect
Butterfly Psyche: She's the fairest of them all (Vanessa atalanta)
Butterfly Psyche: Catching some rays (Atalopedes campestris)
Butterfly Psyche: Males can't sting! (Polistes fuscatus)
Butterfly Psyche: Sunshine after the rain
Butterfly Psyche: Wrought iron and wreath
Butterfly Psyche: Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) and friends
Butterfly Psyche: Chocolate butterfly
Butterfly Psyche: By the fire (Thanksgiving 2008) (SH 17)
Butterfly Psyche: Pie, squared (Thanksgiving 2008)
Butterfly Psyche: Feed me, Seymour (Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius)
Butterfly Psyche: The Amber Chair
Butterfly Psyche: Two bees or not two bees (Honeybees on coreopsis)
Butterfly Psyche: This butterfly is chillin' (Cabbage white on coreopsis)
Butterfly Psyche: Light through the leaves (Canna sp.)
Butterfly Psyche: Just shoot me (Broad-headed sharpshooter, Oncometopia orbona)
Butterfly Psyche: Boo! I mean, Yay! (SH 40, Fall/Autumn)
Butterfly Psyche: Golden dawn (Mexican sunflower, Tithonia rotundifolia)
Butterfly Psyche: Oops! Was it something I said?
Butterfly Psyche: And the crowd goes wild
Butterfly Psyche: Dawn of the New Sun
Butterfly Psyche: She's a lady, oh-wo-wo she's a lady (American lady butterfly, Vanessa virginiensis)
Butterfly Psyche: Upset the System (SH 14)
Butterfly Psyche: God's traffic light (SH 31)