mieldv: Auki
mieldv: more children
mieldv: one of the many bridges I saw in the Solomons
mieldv: no bridge yet
mieldv: boats carved out of whole trees
mieldv: me in my dorky gear
mieldv: the children of Arabala
mieldv: the children of Arabala
mieldv: the children of Arabala
mieldv: the children of Arabala
mieldv: potable water for the residents in Auki
mieldv: Auki markets
mieldv: a long way to the road to recovery
mieldv: those pipes behind us are going to be used for drainage for the roads
mieldv: tiny plane
mieldv: Duncan
mieldv: Community consultation
mieldv: Tambia
mieldv: Tambia
mieldv: funny Japanese (?) plaque
mieldv: West Guadalcanal
mieldv: boy
mieldv: clean rivers leading out to the ocean
mieldv: bahay kubo
mieldv: sunny one minute
mieldv: rainy the next
mieldv: road to nowhere
mieldv: more children
mieldv: children on the bridge
mieldv: children on the road