Squirrel Junkie: Look what I just found in an antique store!
Squirrel Junkie: In the case as I found her...
Squirrel Junkie: IMAG0510
Squirrel Junkie: Breakfast time!
Squirrel Junkie: Getting ready to head home....
Squirrel Junkie: Faith Before
Squirrel Junkie: Faith Before
Squirrel Junkie: Not too bad for a Saturday afternoon!
Squirrel Junkie: Faith's tag
Squirrel Junkie: Nothing but love!
Squirrel Junkie: Braids of the ages...
Squirrel Junkie: 6 Lines vs. 7 Lines
Squirrel Junkie: Ready for a bath!
Squirrel Junkie: Here we go....
Squirrel Junkie: ....going down..
Squirrel Junkie: Scrubba dub dub and kenner in the...
Squirrel Junkie: ..taking out her braid..
Squirrel Junkie: Mirror mirror on the wall...
Squirrel Junkie: The girls are ready!
Squirrel Junkie: Early morning flight
Squirrel Junkie: Ready to go!
Squirrel Junkie: Welcome to Southwest flight #16189...
Squirrel Junkie: Exits are located at the front...
Squirrel Junkie: Buckled and ready to take off!
Squirrel Junkie: Anything else Squirrel?
Squirrel Junkie: Squirrel & Faith get a tour of the cockpit!
Squirrel Junkie: ..."and this is called the Yoke"...